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The Best Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

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Before anything else, why boost testosterone? This would be because of testosterone deficiency — often referred to as hypogonadism — which afflicts a stunning number of men and even women these days. Deficiencies of testosterone, especially severe ones, may be accompanied by several unpleasant symptoms. These may include sleep problems as well as a lowered sex drive.

If left be for long enough and at a certain severity, a testosterone deficiency can lead to serious health issues like bone brittleness. This is because testosterone is heavily involved in the renewed construction of our skeletal system. But it does far more than just that: it also rebuilds tissue, helps regulate mood, keeps the male sex organs in good health and more.

This means that you should take steps to boost your testosterone production if tests do reveal it to be currently below the standard. Some people advocate testosterone replacement. This can take the form of testosterone injections or even testosterone gels and patches. Another method involves the subdermal insertion of testosterone pellets into a patient’s rear: the implants get inserted just under the skin of the buttocks and from there they “leak” testosterone at a steady, slow pace for several months.

These treatments tend to work very swiftly in terms of effects. If indeed you are suffering from a noticeable testosterone deficiency, the change should be notable soon after treatment.

That said, these treatments also tend to induce a state of dependence, which means the user may temporarily cease being able to produce testosterone himself. This can be triggered by the introduction of external testosterone into his system. Even more alarming are the indications that long-term usage of these therapies tends to raise cardiac issue risks. Others are suggesting boosted prostate growth, which is bad for men with prostate cancer. Nothing is for certain yet, but these possibilities might put off a lot of people.

For the wary, then, it would be wise to go with “safer” methods. These usually take a little longer to kick in, as they seek to boost your body’s actual testosterone-producing abilities instead of “pinch hitting” for them. However, they may also cost you less in the long run, especially health-wise. So now, here are some healthy and natural ways to boost testosterone.

Get more magnesium!

Magnesium is a mineral that has been indicated by various researches to have a positive effect on the amount of bioavailable testosterone in one’s body. While scientists have yet to ascertain exactly what it does that achieves this result, many are suggesting that it may be the way it “frees” testosterone from a hormone-binding globulin in the body. As a result, more testosterone manages to be bioavailable within us.

Try intermittent fasting.

The practice of intermittent fasting is actually a great one if you are also trying to lose weight, aside from boosting testosterone levels. This is because it can keep your metabolism on its toes and prevent it from getting too comfortable with its pace. Even if you are not on a diet, though, intermittent fasting can still give you a nice little boost in testosterone levels, especially if you stay moderately active throughout the period.

Try organic supplements like maca.

A lot of plants and herbs can actually help you get your testosterone levels up. Maca, for instance, is a root plant that happens to be rich in estrogen-blocking sterols. Consuming the plant can also improve the rate of testosterone production in your body. You do have to wait a while for results to show up, though.

Reduce the xenoestrogen in your environment.

Have you ever heard of xenoestrogen? It is a synthetic chemical that mimics estrogen and which scientists are theorizing to be responsible for the generally lower testosterone levels in males today. A lot of petroleum products contain it, including most plastics and even most grooming products (in the form of parabens). Try to cut down on exposure to them where you can, e.g. by keeping your food in glass containers instead of plastic ones — it is more sanitary to use glass, anyway! Avoiding paraben-free grooming products may be a touch harder, but there are still more natural grooming options now than there used to be a few years ago.

Supplement with Vitamin D.

Vitamin D — most particularly Vitamin D3 — is vital for health testosterone production among other things. Unfortunately, a lot of us are suffering from a deficiency of it, not least because we rarely venture outdoors now with our offices and desk jobs. Since not everyone has time to go sunning himself, the easiest way to get Vitamin D at the moment is to get some all-natural supplements of it. This is actually recommended by a lot of experts on testosterone level improvement, including author and diet creator Chad Howes, who mentions the vitamin several times in his manual for The Man Diet.

Get into a healthier lifestyle and body.

If you are obese, you are far likelier to have a testosterone deficiency. According to some preliminary studies, reversing the situation for the latter can be triggered if you reverse the situation for the former — that is, you could potentially boost testosterone levels in your body if you lost weight. Getting active in order to lose that weight can only be to the good too, as more studies show that people who move around more are likelier to have more testosterone.

Keep in mind that part of this should be your getting enough sleep. People who do not get the right amount of sleep tend to have a greater chance of being obese as well as of having lower testosterone.

Supplement your diet with foods packing zinc.

Zinc is a nutrient that has long been associated with healthy testosterone production. Zinc deficiencies tend to occur with testosterone deficiencies, so countering one might help counter the other. Look into adding foods like beans and crustaceans to your diet, as these tend to have a lot of zinc. Nuts are good sources of this mineral, too.

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